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Yoga and Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What are the Panchmahabhuta, Prakruti and Vikruti? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What really are the doshas_Vata, Pitta and Kapha? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Know your dominant dosha and causes of imbalance in the doshas? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How imbalance in the doshas cause or manifest into diseases or ailments | #YesToYoga Talks at

Ayurveda's approach in preventing disease and ailments? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Does Ayurveda work for animals and plants? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Myth Buster: Ayurveda is not healthy as it uses Metals for treatment. | #YesToYoga Talks at

Why Agni in Ayurveda has importance in preserving our health? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Prevent formation of toxins with Ayurveda | #YesToYoga Talks at

Dry Skin or Acne? Fix with Ayurveda | #YesToYoga Talks at

Ayurveda for mental imbalance or psychosis. | #YesToYoga Talks at

Yoga For Back Pain!

What are the symptoms of back pain and what causes it? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What is the causes and the most effective treatment of a herniated disk? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What to Eat Before & After a Yoga Class to Help Heal Back Pain? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How to Deal With Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy ? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How Can We Use Yoga to Fix Poor Posture Can we Prevent Back Pain? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Demo Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain and also to prevent? | #YesToYoga Talks at

If I am not in INDIA Being in US, How to find the best yoga mat to sit? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Please tell ways to help manage the Pain of lower back injury, can yoga be done while we have a painful lower back injury? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Yoga For Weight Loss!

How is Yoga beneficial for weight loss? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Can Yoga help me in weight loss? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What role does mindfulness play in weight loss? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How important is diet in loosing weight? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How effective is Yoga compare to other forms of weight loss? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Can Yoga help reduce weight gain due to other medication? | #YesToYoga Talks at

Boosting Immunity With Yoga!

Join the International Yoga Day Celebration 21stJune 2022- Let's practice Yoga with fellow beings from across the globe!

How do you define immunity? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How can Yoga help boost your immunity? | #YesToYoga Talks at

What should you eat to build your immunity? | #YesToYoga Talks at

How important is breathing ? | #YesToYoga Talks at

International Yoga Day

What is wellness? A definition of wellness

How to integrate Yoga into your life? Easy ways to start Yoga.

How Yoga can help reduce stress? Yoga for Stress Relief.

What is Yoga and its benefits? An overview of Yoga

What are peoples' responses after practicing Yoga? Know some of the benefits of doing Yoga.

How morning routine can be, with Yoga? A way to energise yourself.

Introduction to Science Behind Yoga

Basic guidelines for yoga practice. Beginners before practicing yoga, know the fundamentals of Yoga and learn how to practice Yoga safely.

Yoga to lose belly fat and weight, watch this video to learn how you can get flat stomach and reduce weight.

Important Life Lessons from Bhagavad Gita | Hinduism : The Science Behind India's Spirituality

Closing Session - Hinduism: The Science Behind India's Spirituality | Organised by Avanee Foundation

Rituals and Why We Do Them | Hinduism : The Science Behind India's Spirituality

Why Do We Go to Temples? | Hinduism : The Science Behind India's Spirituality

The Science Behind Hinduism | Hinduism : The Science Behind India's Spirituality

Meditation for Concentration, Focus & Brain Power | Hinduism:The Science Behind India's Spirituality

Opening Session - Hinduism: The Science Behind India's Spirituality | Organised by Avanee Foundation

The Science Behind India's Spirituality Distinguished Gurus and Pandits presenting their thoughts on the science behind an extraordinary religion

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