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Kids Nutrition Plan
Counselling parents to support fussy eaters in their health journey
One-on-one kids counselling
Organizing fun and interactive nutrition games to educate and make them fall in love with healthy food
Teaching them easy healthy recipes
Program Duration: 3 months
Session Duration: 45 minutes, Follow-ups – 15-20 minutes
No. of Sessions: Total 6 sessions, 2 sessions per month
No.of kids counselled: 100+
Shilpa Mittal has been awarded as best Nutritionist twice and has an experience of 25+ years in this field. She specializes in treatments such as weight loss, weight management, nutrition assessment, diet therapy, management of children’s nutrition and Ketogenic diet. In addition to this, she provides diet as well as nutritional treatments for patients with conditions such as asthma, allergies, heart problems, infectious diseases, diabetes and immunity disorders. Her Mantra is ‘Don’t go on a DIET to lose weight but EAT RIGHT’. She makes people fall in love with food be it illness or wellness, with no separate meal cooking for yourself, Her approach is health-centred and not weight centred, majorly focusing on lifestyle change and habit formation.
Shilpsnutrilife: Shilpa Mittal is the founder of Shilpsnutrilife. Shilpsnutrilife is Diet and lifestyle makeover for an individual. It is a total health solution for a lifetime. It offers a permanent solution whether be it weight loss, gain or medical problems like diabetes, BP, arthritis, or thyroid by going to the root cause. It is a makeover of one’s life with a proper diet and lifestyle changes, no crash diet, no pills, and no starvation but a balanced customize diet which includes the correct combination of all the macro and micronutrients.
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